Events that lead up to WWII

    World War 2 (WWII) also to be known as the second world war, is known as the worst global war of humanity. The war lasted 6 years and a day, causing millions of casualties, and deploying millions of troops throughout the world. Changing the world politically, scientifically, and technologically.

    In 1921 Adolf Hitler established a National Soicalist German Workers Party, (Nationalistsozialistische Deutshe Arbeiter  Partei) later became the Nazi Party. After 2 years of leading the group, he gets arrested in 1923. 5 months later in 1924 he is released. After years of reforming his party, by 1933 Hitler becomes chancellor. On 2 August 1934 the president of Germany dies, and Hitler is given all rights and powers.
Years later 1939 Germany invades Poland, beginning the war in Europe. On 3 September 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany, beginning WW2...