Days later Operation Dynamo or code name evacuation of Dunkirk. German forces pored in. Bombers covered the sky's. British navy took the seas. The largest evacuation had begun. German bombers bombed the beach, taking out British boats, and both French and British troops. On that same day May 26, 1940, over 100,000 French troops were evacuated. In total for both British and French troops 338,556 safety were evacuated. From here the Fall of France had begun.
Fall of France was the greatest fall since the beginning, killing thousands, destroying many properties and was the most tragic fall, since Poland. On June 5, 1940 tanks rolled forward once again after a halt on May 26, 1940. Days later after June 5, German forces marched into Paris with many French citizens shedding into tears. June 16, 1940 French told Churchill to get the USA involved, he informed that the President Franklin Roosevelt will not play ball, and will stay neutral.
With Poland invaded, Germany conquering much of Europe, gaining more allies, and now France gone out of the war, Mussolini was convinced that Hitler was now on his way to winning the war, unto the day Hitler made one fatal move that happened on June 22, 1941, that caused many Germans to die.
I am amazed how quickly it took Hitler to gain control over France, and that it took a day to cross Maginot Line along with the River Meuse. Indeed Hitler seems as though he is winning the war and so far his blitzkrieg has ruled all of Europe.
Booth, Owen, and John Walton. The Illustrated History of World War II. Edison, NJ: Chartwell, 1998. Print.
Booth, Owen, and John Walton. The Illustrated History of World War II. Edison, NJ: Chartwell, 1998. Print.